In 1897 the Mothers Union started in Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh. Mrs Gertrude Clements formed a branch at Lough Rynn in Ardagh, the next year when she moved to Ashfield near Cootehill in Kilmore – founded the MU there too. These branches were followed in 1898 by branches in Boyle, Ardcarne and Lissadell, all in Elphin.
By 1906 there was a Diocesan organisation for these five branches, with in 1907 a Diocesan Secretary and in 1908 a separate Secretary for Ardagh and later a Secretary for Elphin were appointed. By the outbreak of war in 1914 there were 20 branches with 416 members working.
During the First World War in 1916 branches were started in Arva, Ballintemple and Ballyhaise. Mrs. Johnston of Lisburn also addressed three Kilmore meetings that year. There were losses in membership during the civil war, but from 1926 numbers again increased.
The annual Festival Services were held most years in Kilmore Cathedral, at first in conjunction with the G.F.S. By 1932 the MU on its own had over 200 members at the Service and in 1935 over 250 at these services, enthusiastically supported by the clergy. Some new members were usually enrolled.
The Diocesan Council was at that time an Executive committee of six. They met at the See House with Mrs. Barton the Bishop’s wife in the chair as President and Mrs. Porteous the Archdeacon’s wife as Secretary – succeeded in 1934 by Mrs. Askins the Dean’s wife who was to do so much in succeeding years for MU work in the Diocese.
Kilmore Diocesan Banner – dedicated in 1937, during the Jubilee Year when MU celebrated 50 years of guidance and growth.
In 1939 eight new members were admitted at a Festival Service in Kilmore Cathedral. At this service a collection was made for MU work overseas (for the first time in Ireland).
In 1940 the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church Cathedral offered to the MU the St. Lawrence O’Toole Chapel in the old Norman part of the Cathedral for its permanent use. Gifts for this Chapel were dedicated by Archbishop Barton on November 20th 1940.
Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh had their first Council meeting in Longford for the first time in 1949. In 1949 Tribute money was 2/6. 1/- went to Headquarters, 7½d to the branch or Diocesan funds and 10½d for the magazine titled, “Simpler sums for simpler times”.
In 1954 Diocesan Festival Services were for the first time held in each of the three Diocese: Kilmore, Elphiin and Ardagh and have so continued since then.
In 1973 Mrs. Chad Varah (Central President, London) was the first woman ever to mount the pulpit of both Christ Church Cathedral Dublin, and Kilmore Cathedral Cavan.
By 1906 there was a Diocesan organisation for these five branches, with in 1907 a Diocesan Secretary and in 1908 a separate Secretary for Ardagh and later a Secretary for Elphin were appointed. By the outbreak of war in 1914 there were 20 branches with 416 members working.
During the First World War in 1916 branches were started in Arva, Ballintemple and Ballyhaise. Mrs. Johnston of Lisburn also addressed three Kilmore meetings that year. There were losses in membership during the civil war, but from 1926 numbers again increased.
The annual Festival Services were held most years in Kilmore Cathedral, at first in conjunction with the G.F.S. By 1932 the MU on its own had over 200 members at the Service and in 1935 over 250 at these services, enthusiastically supported by the clergy. Some new members were usually enrolled.
The Diocesan Council was at that time an Executive committee of six. They met at the See House with Mrs. Barton the Bishop’s wife in the chair as President and Mrs. Porteous the Archdeacon’s wife as Secretary – succeeded in 1934 by Mrs. Askins the Dean’s wife who was to do so much in succeeding years for MU work in the Diocese.
Kilmore Diocesan Banner – dedicated in 1937, during the Jubilee Year when MU celebrated 50 years of guidance and growth.
In 1939 eight new members were admitted at a Festival Service in Kilmore Cathedral. At this service a collection was made for MU work overseas (for the first time in Ireland).
In 1940 the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church Cathedral offered to the MU the St. Lawrence O’Toole Chapel in the old Norman part of the Cathedral for its permanent use. Gifts for this Chapel were dedicated by Archbishop Barton on November 20th 1940.
Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh had their first Council meeting in Longford for the first time in 1949. In 1949 Tribute money was 2/6. 1/- went to Headquarters, 7½d to the branch or Diocesan funds and 10½d for the magazine titled, “Simpler sums for simpler times”.
In 1954 Diocesan Festival Services were for the first time held in each of the three Diocese: Kilmore, Elphiin and Ardagh and have so continued since then.
In 1973 Mrs. Chad Varah (Central President, London) was the first woman ever to mount the pulpit of both Christ Church Cathedral Dublin, and Kilmore Cathedral Cavan.